Being in a relationship is a fantastic opportunity to grow as a person and see the world in a brand new light. Each relationship teaches us something new and brings about inner change both big and small. 

It is, however, very easy to lose yourself in a new relationship. We get so enraptured by the presence of our significant other that we forget that we shouldn’t neglect our self-improvement goals.

So, in order to maintain a relationship with yourself while in a relationship with another, here are 6 rules to help you remember to take care of yourself.

How to Better Myself in a Relationship

We often receive so much love from our partners that it’s difficult to remember why and how we should love ourselves. Maintaining a self-relationship can actually strengthen your relationship because it encourages you to strive for mental and emotional stability.

Of course, the following 6 rules aren’t the only ones you should follow. You should take the time to figure out what works for you based on your relationship dynamic and what you need in your life. These next few tips are meant to guide you towards your own solutions and ideas.

1) Don’t Neglect Your Needs

One of the most important things you need to figure out is carving time out of your day for yourself. Spending time with your partner is great, but self-improvement is primarily something you must do on your own.

Everyone has mental, physical, and emotional needs that need to be met from time to time, and our partners can’t always fulfill those needs all by themselves. As a matter of fact, it would be unfair to expect them to do so, especially since they have their own needs too. In taking care of yourself and your own needs, you grow more confident, happier, and improve your emotional intelligence.

2) Set Boundaries